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Areas of Focus

DJ Basin

Colorado and Wyoming

RMA is an active buyer in the DJ Basin. RMA’s focus areas in the DJ include Weld & Adams Counties Colorado, as well as Laramie County Wyoming. If you own mineral rights in either of these counties, contact us today for a no hassle offer on your mineral rights.

Eagle Ford Shale


RMA is an active buyer of Mineral Rights, Overriding Royalties, and Non-Op Working Interest throughout the entire Eagle Ford Shale Play. Contact Us Today!

Permian and Delaware Basins


RMA is an active buyer in the Permian & Delware Basins. Our focus areas are Reagan, Glasscock, Reeves, Pecos & Midland Counties Texas.

Powder River Basin


RMA is actively purchasing Mineral Rights and Overriding Royalties in Converse, Campbell and Johnson Counties Wyoming. Contact Us Today!

Utica and Marcellus

Ohio and Pennsylvania

RMA is activley purchasing Mineral Rights and Overriding Royalties in the Utica & Marcellus Shale plays. Contact us today!

Bakken Shale

North Dakota

RMA is actively purchasing Mineral Rights and Overriding Royalty interests in the Bakken Play. Contact Us Today!

Ready to make a deal?

Contact us to get started!